Thursday, December 4, 2008

Farm Lessons

I learned a valuable lesson today that I shall try to remember next time.
When you get home after working all day and then taking a 2 hr train ride, another 1 hr drive to the farm and you are lugging your 2nd suitcase in 2 months that broke a wheel AND you happen to hear the ducks quacking loudly in the night......... you must use your Duck Whisperer senses and realize that they should be asleep and that something is wrong.

Something WAS wrong.  One duck was outside the electric fence and the others were hanging out and quacking loudly on the other side of the fence.  She probably accidently flew out and couldn't figure out how to get herself back in.  Amazing that the rest of the ducks hung out and waited for her to be saved.  Mike just picked her up and put her back with her flock of girlfriends.  

There are also some key learnings for everyone out there that come to mind from this experience:
-Don't leave your friend stranded outside the electric fence, band together with your flock and quack loudly - the lone duck needs your support and all the quacks you've got
-When you hear a lot of loud noise or chatter at the wrong time of day-- stop to listen and see what you are missing
-Anyone can be a hero and save the one that is stuck outside the fence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eggsellent words to live by...
