Monday, August 11, 2008

Beefsteak Tomato

I've never grown a beefsteak tomato that looked this beautiful.
I had to take a picture as it was so perfect and it matches the picture in the seed company!
The above picture was with the flash on, the bottom with the flash off.  The true color was somewhere in between.  I sliced it up tonight and as the marketing material described it best "Fruits are large, meaty, ribbed and deep scarlet in color.  Weights average twelve ounces.  Fairly soft skinned for easy slicing."  I must go back to the garden and see if there are more. 

I am hooked on tomatoes.  I read the book Heirloom:  Notes from an Accidental Tomato Farmer and I don't think I would go to his extreme and start growing 3000 tomato plants but I sure may want to grow 200+ plants again next year- maybe 300-400?  
I will also encourage all those out there that want to plant some tomatoes in your back yard next year to find a good variety.  Ordering seeds is definitely the way to go.  I recommend Victory Seeds and Seeds of Change.  When you buy the tomatoes as plants from your local retail store- you may not get the best variety.  There are so many cool varieties out there.  I am loving all the different roma and plum tomatoes.  Lots of great varieties for canning!

5 comments: said...

Who wrote that marketing material? Hugh Hefner?

Blue Heron Farm said...

Awesome fruit!

People LOVE weird looking heirlooms. You should try a lot of different kinds next year.

How exciting!

How weird that tomatoes now excite me!

A. said...


I ate some this weekend from my local farmer's market this weekend and combined with fresh little cucumbers sliced thinly. Then I mixed the two veggies with a dressing as follows: 1/2 teaspoon mustard, 1 table spoon white vinegar, 1 tablespoon red wine vigar, 1-2 table spoons olive oil. Salt and pepper and voila! Delicious!

A. said...

Oh, I forgot the spring onions - just a little chopped super finely! They added a bit of zest... said...


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