Sunday, January 31, 2010

Great Marketing

As we were driving to a Hershey Bears Hockey game this evening, we were driving along a main road and saw simple white signs handpainted in black lettering.

The first sign that caught my eye said Raw Goats Milk.  Cool I thought-- Mike needs to make cheese!
The signs continued every mile or so.   They said, 
Raw Buckwheat Honey
Do you like Pottery?
We like Pottery,
 You Know you need a Mug!
and so on...

I said-- we have to stop.  I need to at least meet this person who had such a great marketing idea.  So we got off the exit and a mile off the exit we find this house with honey, apples, raw goats milk and pottery.  Lots of gorgeous pottery.  We didn't have time to browse - I just said I'll take one of that, one of that honey, and some apples, etc. as we had to go.  No time to linger.

The couple makes gorgeous pottery.  We didn't even look at the price of the mug Mike bought.  I just bought 4 different honeys, apples, the raw goats milk a bunch of other things and then the mug.  I thought it was kind of expensive but I thought, I have no idea what's in my bags and I didn't look at the prices very carefully.  I saw good quality things and I wanted them.   Then Mike got home and really looked at the mug and their website.  That's a $42 mug he said to me.  So I looked at it more closely and said- wow, that's a really nice mug and all the stuff in the house did look great. 

We stumbled upon a talented couple.  I guess I'll have to save up if I want to buy any more pottery.  Of course now I want my own mug...and also a pitcher and a vase... :)

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