Monday, July 5, 2010

Farmer as Gambler

If you have to feed yourself and 12 other families in a CSA, how many zucchini plants should you grow? Great question. Gardening is a bit like gambling. And I'm a terrible gambler. I take risks when I shouldn't and I'm conservative when I should double down.

Here is your history before you place your bet.
2 years ago you had a great zucchini crop (20 plants and say 30 per plant) and 1 year ago your zucchini crop was horrid (90 zucchini plants and 3 per plant).

So you place your bets or double down and decide how many to plant.
This year I went with 2 rows of zucchini. I have no idea how many actual plants I have in there. Maybe 90-120 again like last year- and then you plant, mulch, weed, water and cross your fingers.

This year looks like it will be a bumper crop-- so lets see 100 or so plants at 30 zucchini each.... he-he---- I guess I doubled down and hit the jackpot.


LindaG said...

Congratulations and good luck! :)

translation company said...


SteveandAlina said...

Wow, that is exciting! I had no idea there was so much variability in plant output from year to year, on the same plot of land in the same climate.

Do you guys plant turnips? We just ate turnips tonight, which we received for our veggie CSA here in IL.