Sunday, August 9, 2009

Food Inc.

I seem to be all about food this weekend.
We processed 100 birds today!  Record time of 3 1/2 hrs but we are still on a learning curve.  We are also thinking about redesigning the layout of the mobile processor to go a little faster.

We ate chicken for dinner with fresh salsa!!!  Nothing like fresh salsa.  
Tomatoes, onions, cilantro, garlic, peppers- mild and spicy, lime juice, salt.  That's pretty much our ingredients.  The leftover salsa is then great with eggs the next day.

We saw Food Inc on Saturday night with some fellow farmers.  
It's slightly depressing but then at the end it gives you hope.  Change will happen but it is going to come one person at a time, one small farm at a time.  I am thrilled to be one of those small farms.  

When they showed the chicken houses and all the birds in it I knew I'd only eat my chicken ever again.  I know the smell of 100 birds that we move every day-- they smell even when you move them.  But the smell of tens of thousands of birds not moved?  

I also never made the connection between all the subsidies from our government to corn and soybeans which then are passed on to consumers as all those things are that are really bad for you.  But fresh fruit and veggies are more expensive and not subsidized.  If we changed our policies, we could have healthier people.

I'd recommend the film and especially if you've never read about the realities of where your food comes from.  

For all those friends not near our farm.... go to and look up a farm near you.  I bet the farmer would love another customer and you'll be happier as you are eating better food.

ps--- we have 4 baby ducks on our pond.... pictures later-- they are so small!

1 comment:

Harold Owen said...

Michael, thanks for the tomatoes. They're awesome! We'll finish processing them into sauce this weekend. It was a pleasure seeing your operation, the pigs, the chickens, etc. What an nice farm you have. Cheers!